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What are synonyms and antonyms? Define synonym and antonym and learn their differences. how to use them in a literary form and their common examples. Updated: 07/26/2021

In the following paragraphs, you will notice a word that is used over and over again. In writing, it is important to vary language in order to be as specific as possible. It's also imperative to diversify our word choice to keep the audience interested. For this activity, you will rewrite the following paragraphs by replacing the overused word (italicized) with a more specific synonym. Make sure not to re-use any words!

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My first day of school was interesting. First, I went to my homeroom and met my interesting teacher, Mrs. Zimmerman. She even let us pick our seats since it was the first day. She told us about all of the interesting things we will do this year. Later, at lunch, I sat next to my closest friends, Heather and Carly. They agreed that Mrs. Zimmerman was nice and interesting. I am excited for this school year, and I can't wait to learn about all of these interesting topics!

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On the day before Halloween, my friends and I went to a haunted house. I knew it was going to be scary, but I still wanted to go. When we first arrived, there was a scary clown creeping around us while we were in line. He had a chainsaw. Even though there weren't any blades on the chainsaw, it was still scary. Once we entered the haunted house, there were many scary props and actors. I was so terrified that I ended up running until I reached the end. It was so scary!

Now create an original passage similar to the practice paragraphs above. Choose a word that is overused, such as easy, bad, or happy, and use different synonyms to replace the overused word. You should use the above paragraphs as examples for this activity.

Synonyms and antonyms are both part of English language arts. They are opposites mechanically in writing. Synonyms are words that have the same meaning, while antonyms have opposite meanings. They can be used in writing to draw the reader to continue through the rest of the article and provide the article with varied vocabulary. Antonyms are words that have oppostie meanings.

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Antonyms (50): Good-bad, hot-cold, add-subtract, plus-minus, happy-sad, big-small, circle-square, high-low, light-dark, loud-quiet, pretty-ugly, calm-chaotic, clean-dirty, birth-death, rough-smooth, stop-go, start-end, rain-snow, wet-dry, empty-full, young-old, well-sick, love-hate, north-south, boy-girl, true-false, buy-sell, student-teacher, mother-father, cat-dog, east-west, up-down, left-right, shirt-pants, laugh-cry, last-first, laugh-cry, on-off, open-close, fat-skinny, top-bottom, over-under, sweet-sour, crunchy-chewy, soft-hard, long-short, found-lost, rich-poor, work-play, kind-rude.

Synonyms (50): big-large, rabbit-bunny, nice-kind, good-great, bad-negative, aircraft-plane, wood-lumber, cat-feline, dog-canine, small-petite, home-house, boy-male, girl-female, sick-ill, evil-malicious, mom-mother, dad-father, happy-joyful, angry-outraged, smart-bright, pretty-attractive, pig-swine, afraid-scared, car-automobile, run-sprint, clean-tidy, dirty-messy, dark-sinister, delicious-tasty, interesting-engaging, example-instance, observe-view, touch-feel, smell-whiff, throw-chuck, idea-thought, present-gift, hat-cap, couch-sofa, silly-funny, however-nonetheless, love-affection, frail-weak, real-genuine, vacation-trip, create-produce, swipe-steal, achieve-accomplish, start-begin, end-finish.

Synonyms and antonyms are both mechanics of language arts that are easy to use, but just as easy to confuse. Although these words sound similar, they are actually complete opposites. But what do synonyms and antonyms mean? Synonyms refer to words that have the same or similar meaning to another word. Antonyms are words that mean the exact opposite of another word. For example, sadness is an antonym of happiness.

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We have millions of words in the English language. These words help us communicate and get a message to another person. We use words constantly in order to express a particular feeling or meaning. Many of our words can be used interchangeably. Let's look at some of those words and their purpose in our language.

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A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word. The word derives from many different dialects, the earliest being the Greek sunonumon. Others include French synonyme and Latin synonymum. Many more synonyms exist than antonyms because most words in the English language have another word with a very close connotation. Synonyms are important in writing because they add variance to text, especially longer transcripts where the repetition of the same word or phrase can be off-putting to the reader. Using the same phrases repeatedly can become boring for the audience and steer them away from the piece.

Antonyms are words that hold the opposite definition of another word and are therefore the opposite of synonyms. The etymology of "antonym" is traced back to Greek roots "anti" + "onym", but a modern understanding of the term is drawn off of French antonyme and German antonym, which are actually older. Formerly, antonyms were called counterterms. Antonyms are generally easier to identify because there are fewer of them in the English dialect, though they are used less commonly in writing. If used in literature, they may be applied for comparison or contradiction.

Synonyms And Antonyms - Digital Art Resources Global Solutions Synonyms Words

This lesson has delved into the differences between synonyms and antonyms. Keep practicing these skills in your writing and you'll be creating engaging articles in no time! Keep in mind these points when writing:

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Words that have similar definitions are known as synonyms. We use synonyms constantly in speech and in writing. These are the words that can be used interchangeably, but the meaning of the message remains the same. For example, look at these two sentences:

Which word was changed in the second sentence? 'Lengthy' replaced the word 'long.' But did the meaning of the sentence change? No, it did not, because 'long' and 'lengthy' are synonyms; they have similar definitions. Synonyms can generally be used interchangeably without a change in meaning of the overall message.

Many synonyms are very useful because they can show different variations of the same understanding. To show this, let's look at the word 'good.' We all know the meaning of 'good.' It is one of the first understandings you come to as a child, and you learn quickly what it means to be a good kid. Generally speaking, 'good' can be defined as something correct or pleasant and enjoyable. There are numerous synonyms for good: okay, well, fine, great, excellent, magnificent and wonderful. All these words are describing a positive event or experience, but the variations can show a clearer understanding. For example, an 'okay day' is not as good as an 'excellent day.' But a 'wonderful day' is just about the same as a 'magnificent day.' The range of synonyms can give the audience or reader a better understanding of the speaker's exact intentions.

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Understanding synonyms is important for not only precise communication, but variety in language. As a writer, you should use synonyms to reduce redundancy and keep writing or speech interesting to the audience. Remember the whole point of language is to express oneself or to send a message. If the audience gets bored or confused by the same word being used over and over, the message will be lost.

Once you know about synonyms, it is essential to learn about antonyms. Antonyms are the opposites of synonyms; antonyms are words with opposite definitions.

The purpose of antonyms is clear: they exist to show the opposite meaning of an idea. For example, if we want to express something that is good, we will eventually need to know that if it is not good, it will be bad. 'Good' and 'bad' are antonyms since they have opposite definitions. This means, of course, that all the synonyms for good are also antonyms for bad. Also, all the synonyms for bad are antonyms for good. To make this clear, think about these words: terrible, horrible, awful, dreadful, unpleasant, disagreeable. These words are all synonyms for the word 'bad'. They have a similar definition, which is an event or experience that is not good or wrong. All these words are also antonyms for the word 'good, ' in that each shows the opposite meaning of something that is good. Finally, just like the synonyms for 'good, ' these words can show different variations. A 'horrible day' is just a little bit worse than an 'unpleasant day.'

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Learning about words and their meanings is imperative for clear communication. Without this understanding, you can run the risk of being redundant, boring or even confusing to your audience. Using synonyms, which are words with similar meanings, can bring life and vibrancy to your writing. Don't just use the word 'good, ' choose a synonym, like 'wonderful, ' 'magnificent' or 'fine, ' to describe your situation.

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On the same note, understanding antonyms, which are words with opposite definitions, can help to express particular intentions and feelings. If something is not good, look at the antonyms, like 'terrible, ' 'horrible' or 'unpleasant, ' and choose the word to express your exact feeling. Be sure to correctly use synonyms and antonyms in order to make

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